Academic Projects

MIT 6.073/CMS.611: Flip Exchange

final presentation | game | code

Created a 2D platformer game using Unity game engine. 1 of 4 games total made for class. Players switch between two worlds where they play a different character in each world. Created in 6 weeks. Team size: 6

CS 109: Predicting Popularity

demo video | website | Process Book

Equal contributor to 4-person group project for CS 109 final project. Used python to conduct analysis and prediction on data collected using Twitter API

CS 171: American Time Use 2014

demo video | website | Process Book

Equal contributor to 3-person group project for CS 171 Visualization. Designed and developed a web-based interactive visualization about American Time Use in 2014 using D3.js. Honorable mention for best project.

Personal Projects

Harvard Advocate Website

press | website

Rebuilt The Harvard Advocate website using Django framework and Stripe API for payment processing. Processed over $65,000 in donations, subscriptions, and issue purchases in 1.5 years. Team of 5-7.

Note: Personally, I found this project valuable because it taught me so much about using Github / version control.

Join Harvard

Design Process | website

Designed and developed an intuitive interface to help undergraduates discover new extracurriculars. Built over spring spreak. Team of 4-5. Pitched to Harvard's CTO. Featured on HUIT Student App Spotlight, the landing page on campus computers.

Note: the project that I enjoyed working on the most because it was my first hands-on experience with product management and user experience design.

Other / Misc

Taking Time Off at Harvard Panel


Organized and moderated a discussion panel with 6 students on their experiences taking time off for one or more semesters. Sought and received sponsorship from the Bureau of Study Council. Approximately 40-50 students attended the panel.

Nap Spaces

Spearheaded student movement for creation of campus nap room. Implemented a Wellness Space on 2nd floor of Cabot Science Library.